sabato 23 novembre 2013

Magnus Carlsen – World Chess Champion

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23/11/2013 – Magnus Carlsen is the new world chess champion, having defeated the titleholder Vishy Anand of India in ten games with the score 6.5-3.5. The 22-year old Norwegian grandmaster has now won everything there is to win in chess. Huffington Post columnist GM Lubomir Kavalek comments on the course of the Championship and the Berlin Defense that played a critical role.

Magnus Carlsen – World Chess Champion

By GM Lubomir Kavalek


  Carlsen clinched the title eight days shy of his 23rd birthday and became the second youngest world champion after Garry Kasparov. In December 1985, Kasparov defeated Anatoly Karpov to win the world title four months before he turned 23. Carlsen was undefeated, winning three games and drawing seven. Anand, 43, admitted that he was not able to execute his match strategy. In 2000, Kasparov also lost the world title to Vladimir Kramnik without winning a single game.
At the beginning Carlsen seemed slightly nervous playing the most important match in his career, but during the Games Three and Four he sensed that Anand could be vulnerable. "I started to settle in," Carlsen said. "I was able to play to my strength."
Anand lost the next two games with blunders in the rook endgames. Losing Game Five was a big disappointment, the lowest point in the match for him. "My play never got going." A blunder in Game Nine sealed his fate. "When it rains, it pours," Anand described his mistakes.

Game Nine was the most dramatic game of the match.

Carlsen likes to put his opponents under continuous pressure. With his relentless play to win, Carlsen "drives his opponents into errors," according to the English grandmaster Jonathan Speelman. "You have to keep pushing," Carlsen said about his play against Anand and added with a smile: "I would like to take some responsibility for his mistakes."
Carlsen managed to limit Anand's computer preparation to minimum. "The games were decided mostly on the chessboard," he said. As we have predicted in one of the previous columns, the Berlin Defense was played by both players:
The Berlin Defense (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nf6) is always a possibility, hovering over any king-pawn player like a sword of Damocles. Both Carlsen and Anand are capable of using it. It was played in the first world championship match William Steinitz and Johannes Zukertort in 1886. In 2000, Vladimir Kramnik played the Berlin and ended Garry Kasparov's world championship reign.
It was the most popular defense, appearing in 30 percent of the games. All three games were drawn.
In the last game Carlsen tried to play solidly without creating any weaknesses. At one point he decided to shut it down and force a draw that gave him the world crown. He did it with a nice knight sacrifice. The shortest decisive world championship match in chess history was over. In 1910, Emanuel Lasker and Carl Schlechter tied their match 5-5.
Images by JM Mahesh and Anastasiya Karlovich

venerdì 22 novembre 2013

World Chess Championship 2013: Anand - Carlsen GARA 10





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lunedì 27 maggio 2013

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mercoledì 22 maggio 2013


Il Bianco muove: trova la giusta difesa.

Il Gambetto Budapest - parte 1 -

La posizione di Lucena


venerdì 26 aprile 2013

Un finale interessante: complicare o non complicare il gioco?

Ho giocato questa posizione da Nero nell'ultimo turno del CIS contro il giovane CM Motola Jacopo. La partita è finita pari, ma nelle analisi post mortem con l'amico Pepe ho avuto come l'impressione che avrei potuto porre al mio avversario parecchi grattacapi.

Muove il Nero (è sotto scacco).

mercoledì 17 aprile 2013

Un capolavoro di Morphy

Il Bianco giocava senza la Torre di Donna.

Alcuni diagrammi della partita:

venerdì 12 aprile 2013

Allenare il colpo d'occhio

L'automatismo dello scacchista, quando comincia a ruminare (consentitemi il verbo nietzscheano) la posizione, deve essere quello di cercare subito le mosse forzanti: se ti alleni a risolvere matti in 1, 2 o 3 mosse, quando sarai alla scacchiera cosa pensi che cercherai? Attacco al Re (il primo gradino del metodo Dorfman) e mosse forzanti.

Muove il Bianco in tutti i diagrammi. 

[The automatism of the chess player, when he begins to ruminate (let the word Nietzschean) the position, should be to look for forcing moves: if you train to solve checkmate in 1, 2 or 3 moves, when you are at the board, what do you think you will try? Attack to the King (the first step of the Dorfman's Method) and forcing moves.

White to play in all the positions.

giovedì 11 aprile 2013

Palestra di Strategia

La Difesa Francese è una formidabile palestra di strategia scacchistica. Questa vecchia partita del Dr. Tarrasch ne è una valida esemplificazione.

E' interessante osservare che dopo la mossa 22 del Nero, a cui ho attribuito un punto di domanda, si raggiunge quella struttura pedonale particolarmente vantaggiosa per il Bianco che Hans Kmoch ha definito Super Quartz grip.